UPDATE - Hamilton Police Chief & Officer Rush to Provide Aid to Citizen

Police Chief and Officer sprang into action when a vehicle pulled up to the police department. Lifesaving techniques were immediately started by Hamilton Police.

UPDATE - Hamilton Police Chief & Officer Rush to Provide Aid to Citizen

Update: January 31, 2025.

After speaking with Police Chief Wiess, the individual is currently in ICU at the hospital as of 3pm, January 30, 2025. We are keeping him and his family in our prayers and will hopefully be able to meet with him when he fully recovers. 

Georgia Transparency was in Hamilton at city hall and the Police Department on a different matter. That is when a white sedan pulled into the parking lot of the Hamilton Police Department. The frightened driver jumped out and went into the police department to get help. 

Out from the Police Department came Police Chief Wiess and Officer Nolan with the Hamilton Police Department. While giving aid medical assistance was radioed for.

The unknown individual was unconscious and appeared that Chief Weiss got the man breathing again. Harris County Fire Rescue arrived quickly. Assistant Chief Cooper with the Harris County was present and helped provide aid as well. However, it took approximately 20 minutes for an ambulance to arrive on the scene. Unknown what took the ambulance and what appeared to be longer than expected to arrive.

Great job Police Chief Weiss, Officer Nolan, and Harris County First Responders, how they handled the situation and helped the man. GT will keep the unknown man in prayers. Is it unknown of the status of the individual currently.

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