Does Camden County Sheriff Jim Proctor Hate the U.S. Constitution

Simply holding a sign could have you jailed. Why is the Camden County Sheriff’s Office Facebook page and YouTube channels limiting comments.

Does Camden County Sheriff Jim Proctor Hate the U.S. Constitution

Standing on a public sidewalk outside of the Camden County Sheriff’s Office displaying your viewpoint could have you arrested. According to the Mission Statement they have a duty to preserve the peace and protect the lives, person, property, health and morals of the people. I could not find anything in the mission statement that the Camden County Sheriff’s Office supports the U.S. Constitution. Who decides what morals to enforce under the color of law. I could not locate an O.C.G.A. code section that one could be arrested for a moral’s violation.

On September 25, 2024, The J-Town Press was standing outside on a public sidewalk holding a sign that displayed “Fuck the Camden County Sheriff’s Office.”

Roughly approximately five minutes pass and a Camden County Deputy approaches J-Town, enraged about the sign. J-Town was threatened with arrest if a letter of the sign was not crossed out.  

Simply standing on a public sidewalk redressing YOUR government can be turned into a crime in Camden County. It appears that if the Camden County Sheriff’s Office doesn’t like what you have to say, then you could be threatened with arrest.

U.S. Supreme Court Case Law in Cohen v. California, 403 U.S. 15 (1971) supports that one may display such statements when redressing government.

This story will be released soon on the J-Town Press’s YouTube channel.

The Camden County Sheriff’s Office has also limited who can comment on the government Facebook page. The Sheriff's Office YouTube channel has also been labeled as just for kids. This appears to be an attempt to not allow comments from the people.

On September 3, 2022, was asked to investigate the use of force that was captured on camera at the Camden County Safety Complex GBI to investigate after video shows inmate being beaten in Camden County Jail

Does Camden County, not respect the civil rights the people are guaranteed in this great nation. Why does it appear that the Sherrif wants to protect the morals of the people. Does this mean that one would have to agree with the Sheriff’s morals. Did inmate, Jarret J. Hobbs not agree with the Camden County morals.

In my opinion Sheriff Jim Proctor is a horrible sheriff and hopefully will not be re-elected next term.


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