Judge Lost Control as Journalist Documents a Government Building

Georgia Transparency visited the Russell County Alabama Courthouse and was met with instant unprofessional and rude public and elected officials.

Judge Lost Control as Journalist Documents a Government Building

Unannounced visit by Georgia Transparency (GT) to the Courthouse in Russell County showed how the public and elected officials are treating the people. Simply walking in with a camera and to check where the people’s tax dollars are going is uncomfortable. So uncomfortable that public officials alert law enforcement and an elected judge.

Deputies continued to harass GT while gathering the necessary information and footage for a story about the courthouse. Judge Alford M. Hardin, Jr. stated that staff would not be leaving GT alone in public because he could be a terrorist or a pedophile. Statement made by GT about Judge Hardin being ignorant appeared to have aggravated Hardin to want to get physical. SGT Lisle had to redirect Judge Hardin to continue walking the other way.

Judge Hardin stated that he has a copy of the U.S. Constitution on the wall in his courtroom. It appears Judge Hardin fails to recognize the first and fourteenth Amendments. First Amendment provides guarantee of Freedom of the Press. The fourteenth Amendment provides equal protection to access.

This Judge also went on to state that GT didn’t vote for him. While this might be a correct statement and only residents of Russell County did. However, the people will see how this judge addresses the public in his official capacity. If Hardin is treating a journalist this way, then how is he treating the citizens of Russell County that he doesn’t agree with.

There also is segregated public records by race still in public view in the public records room. There are records segregated by “Black” and “White” on the bindings of the records.

Probate Court staff and Judge Hardin stood firm that anyone that creates an image of a public record in public must pay $1.00 per image taken. Even if no services of staff are rendered or paper and ink used. If a person simply walks in and takes a picture with a smart phone from a public space of a public record must pay $1.00 per page taken.

SGT Lisle with the Russell County Sheriff’s Office tried to explain that the public could not speak that way. SGT Lisle failed to understand that “We The People” may criticize our public/elected officials without fear of retaliation.

SGT Lisle stated that she would not allow GT into a public area that was already previously entered because private business is being conducted. Question raised is why private business is being conducted in a public area.

At one-point deputies along with SGT Lisle surrounded GT to prevent his freedom of movement in a public space because a citizen didn’t want to be filmed. The same citizen that is being filmed by Courthouse security cameras.

A portion of the Russell County Sheriff’s Office Mission Statement says, “while preserving the rights of all individuals” key word here being “ALL”. Why were the deputies treating GT so much different and couldn’t articulate why. Appearing to operate off feelings and policy rather than the laws they swore to uphold. As one deputy stated, they enforce policy. If a sign is posted, then all must follow.  

The judge and deputies need some serious training on the oaths they took. The deputies swore to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. Why was GT’s freedom of the press violated to the extent of having armed law enforcement escort and hassle a journalist.  

Another article written by press may be found here: Southside Matt | NewsBreak

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