Roswell Georgia Business Owner Curses Out Veteran
Local business owner in Roswell, Georgia cursed out veteran and citizen journlist.
On August 21, 2024, Georgia Transparency was doing a story at a United States Post Office (USPS) in Roswell, Georgia. Upon entering the USPS I took some images and film in the public areas of the federally leased office.
That is when an unknown man appearing to be Dave and claimed that he owned Daves Sports Cards just down the street. Upon a quick Google search, it was confirmed that there was a business by that name. His picture appears to match the same picture on his website and social media pages. Dave attempted to gain the attention of Postal employees to have me removed from a public space. I hypothesized that Daves one little feeling was hurt.
It is not Daves fault he appears to be under educated when it comes to the constitutional rights of people. As it is Daves right to curse and talk down to other people in public. However, being a local business owner in the area, this is something you might not want to do in front of a camera.
When he exited the building, he continued to make statements with curse words about me. Little did Dave understand that he cursed out a disabled veteran that fought for the same rights he is guaranteed today.
This apparently isn’t the first time Dave has done this to people. According to Sports Card Radio (link below), Dave has done this to others as well. In the article it reads that Dave went as far as trying to get another person terminated from employment for leaving a negative review of his shop.
I found multiple reviews online of Dave appearing to try and ruin someone’s life by not giving his shop a good review.
Shop Owner Threatens Customer With Lawsuit! – Sports Card Radio
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